mercredi 13 mai 2009

Major International Events in Toronto

You may already know that Toronto is home to the world's tallest building (CN Tower at 553.33 m) and that the world's longest street starts at the City's lakeshore (Yonge Street at 1,896 km), but did you know that Toronto is as far south as the French Riviera or that more people live in Toronto than in Canada's four Atlantic provinces combined?

The City of Toronto is one of the world's most culturally diverse cities, a leader in business and science, and one of the great sports centres of North America.Hosting international events in Toronto brings talented athletes, artists and academics from around the world, adds to our reputation as a leading international city of sport, culture and business, and generates a positive impact on the City's economy and tourism sector.

Toronto has the capacity to host, get the facts!

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